Macon Meal Memberships
Meal plans are convenient, flexible, and loaded with options. Your meal plan includes dining locations all across campus with a range of menus and offerings. You’ll get guaranteed value, whether you eat on campus three times a week or three times a day! We’ve got you covered. See our Meal Plan options below for more information.
Hungry? Visit for daily menus!
All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students are required to live on campus and participate in the campus meal membership program. We believe the learning which occurs outside of the classroom can often be as valuable as learning which takes place in an academic setting. Experiences outside the classroom include developing close relationships with diverse individuals, enhancing leadership skills, and assuming personal responsibility.
Students living on campus are signed up for a meal plan based on your hours earned when you complete a meal plan contract. Students with 0-29 credit hours living on campus are automatically enrolled in the Unlimited Plus meal plan but may choose the Unlmited or Unlimited Platinum. Students with 30-59 credit hours living on campus are automatically enrolled in the Any 14 Plus meal plan and may choose the Any 14 Platinum, Any 14, Unlimited, Unlimited Plus, or Unlimited Platinum. Students with 60-90 credit hours living on campus are automatically enrolled in the 75 Block meal plan but may choose the $900.00 Dining Dollars meal plan or may choose any other on campus meal plan option.
Meal memberships are not required for students attending during Summer, however it's still a great idea!